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Welcome Audrey!

Audrey sera encadrée par Benoît Vinot

The Roseau Technologies team is growing thanks to Audrey, a student of the Master CCI (Complementary Competences in Computer Science) of the University of Grenoble Alpes, who joins us for a 5 months backend internship.

She will mainly work with Benoît on the development of the Sirao software backend. The objectives of the backend internship are to allow users to :

  • To add new loads, power lines, transformers, … to the existing network;
  • To modify existing elements: change the geometry of an electric line, move a station, correct the connections of an element, etc.
  • Consult the history of an element: all the modifications mentioned above must be traceable in order to follow the “life” of an equipment.
  • Alert users to inconsistent modifications (element not connected to the rest of the network, zone supplied from several sources, etc);
  • Manage editing conflicts between different users editing the same network “zone”.
  • Reverting to changes made.

Welcome Audrey!

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