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Out team keeps growing !

L'équipe de Roseau Technologies pose en extérieur

The summer is ending at Roseau Technologies !

👨‍🎓After a successful year of work-study, Chuyang is about to graduate with his engineering degree from ENSIMAG and officially joins our team as a software developer. Congratulations!

👩‍💻We are also thrilled to welcome Imen, who is joining the team as a work-study student for the next two years after a successful summer internship. She will focus on front-end development alongside Sicong, who continues his work-study with us for another year.

📦Unfortunately, our current office space is starting to become too small for this wonderful team. That’s why, after five (!) happy years at Tarmac Incubator in Meylan, we’re preparing to move to a larger office in a few weeks, which we’ll share with our friends from Erplain.

But what will really mark the start of 2024 is the launch of a major project that we’ve been preparing for several years. We can’t wait to share more with you soon!

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