
Roseau Technologies will present three scientific articles at the CIRED Conference
Our participation in CIRED 2023

Are you ready for CIRED 2023? We are! If you’re curious about how smart meters can be used to control LV grids, we greatly invite

Audrey sera encadrée par Benoît Vinot
Welcome Audrey!

The Roseau Technologies team is growing thanks to Audrey, a student of the Master CCI (Complementary Competences in Computer Science) of the University of Grenoble

Florent Cadoux sur la scène de la Belle Électrique pour la Fête de Lauréats 2023 du Réseau Entreprendre Isère
Entrepreneurship… in music!

The 2023 Laureates’ Party of the Réseau Entreprendre Isère, was held this Tuesday, at La Belle Électrique in Grenoble! For the occasion, the new laureates

EPRI European Workshop Week will take place in Vienna from March 14th to March 16th.
EPRI’s European Workshop Week 2023

How to efficiently store grid data, and manage the multiple interfaces with GIS, SCADA, simulation software and the whole IT ecosystem? Next week, Florent Cadoux,

Congratulations for this new translation !

We are very proud to announce the release of the English version of Planning Electrical Distribution Networks, co-authored by Victor Gouin, co-founder of Roseau Technologies!