Smart grids. Made practical.
Digital solutions for lean & flexible power distribution grids in the energy transition

Smart grids. Made practical.
Digital solutions for lean & flexible power distribution grids in the energy transition
Our vision
Power distribution grids are becoming a complex cyber-physical infrastructure. Managing this infrastructure requires great software.
The electricity distribution sector is undergoing rapid change in the context of the energy transition, and the increasing digitalization of almost every aspect of grid management. Operational practices are changing, not only for Distribution System Operators, but also for all players in the field of electricity distribution: local authorities, regulators, network users themselves, etc.
These evolutions of business activities lead to a need for modernization of the technical software that is used to model, simulate, optimize, supervise and control the grid.
Our software solutions
A comprehensive software suite for the digitalization of the power distribution industry
Distribution Network Operators
Power flow solvers are commonplace, but few are as convenient and powerful as Roseau Load Flow! With its streamlined API that allows object-oriented modelling directly in Python language, and its ability to capture complex models such as meshed, unbalanced polyphase networks with any type of voltage-dependent devices, Roseau Load Flow makes it easy to simulate the integration of flexible generators and loads in the power distribution network with just a few lines of code.
# Create two buses
source_bus = Bus(id="sb", phases="abcn")
load_bus = Bus(id="lb", phases="abcn")
# Define the reference of potentials to be the neutral of the source bus
ground = Ground(id="gnd")
pref = PotentialRef(id="pref", element=ground) # Fix the potential of the ground at 0 V
ground.connect(source_bus, phase="n")
# Create a LV source at the first bus
un = 400 / np.sqrt(3) # Volts (phase-to-neutral because the source is connected to the neutral)
source_voltages = [un, un * np.exp(-2j * np.pi / 3), un * np.exp(2j * np.pi / 3)]
vs = VoltageSource(id="vs", bus=source_bus, phases="abcn", voltages=source_voltages)
# Add a load at the second bus
load = PowerLoad(id="load", bus=load_bus, phases="abcn", powers=[10e3 + 0j, 10e3, 10e3]) # VA
# Add a LV line between the source bus and the load bus
lp = LineParameters("lp", z_line=(0.1 + 0.0j) * np.eye(4, dtype=complex)) # R = 0.1 Ohm/km, X = 0
line = Line(id="line", bus1=source_bus, bus2=load_bus, phases="abcn", parameters=lp, length=2.0)
Are you looking for an automated control solution for low-voltage production facilities? We have what you need!
Find out how Grid ExpanDER, a pragmatic and cost-effective solution to implement Intelligent Connection Offers without deploying additional communication infrastructure!
We have worked in academia too and we always enjoy sharing our work with students and researchers. Do not hesitate to contact us!

Grid Modelling

Grid Simulation


Grid Modelling

Grid Simulation

Our special touch
What makes us truly unique

A dual expertise
The power distribution sector is highly technical: working on its digitalization thus calls for strong skills not only in information technology, but also in electrical engineering. If you are looking for a team of experts from both fields working hand in hand, you have come to the right place.
A unique in-house smart-grid lab

How can we help?
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